Copper and Aluminium

Bne 450
4.164 to 29.771 Kcal/h
4.842 to 34.617 Watts

Bne 630
15.682 to 103.788 Kcal/h
18.235 to 120.684 Watts
Unit Cooler for fast freezing tunnel, continuous freezing, blast freezer and giro freezer.
Stainless Steel and Aluminium

Bne 450
4.164 to 29.771 Kcal/h
4.842 to 34.617 Watts

Bne 630
15.682 to 103.788 Kcal/h
18.235 to 120.684 Watts
Unit Cooler for fast freezing tunnel, continuous freezing, blast freezer and giro freezer.